
242 lines
7.6 KiB

## Code handling a fortune database
## nfortune, in keeping with fortune-mod functionality, allows the user to
## specify percentage probability of picking different fortune databases.
## Since probability can be specified for both individual files and directories,
## this is implemented by creating separate pools of one or more fortune files,
## doing a random weighed selection of a pool, and then randomly selecting from
## within the pool. In case there are no percentages specified, one pool is
## used, which contains all the fortune files.
import random
import sequtils
import math
import os
import options
import std/sugar
import fortunefile
import datfile
FilterType* = enum ## Which fortunes to allow
filterLessThan, ## only fortunes smaller than or equal to threshold allowed
filterGreaterThan ## only fortunes bigger than threshold allowed
Filter* = ref object
filterType*: FilterType ## Whether to filter greater or lower than threshold
threshold*: Natural ## Size threshold for fortunes
FortunePool* = seq[FortuneFile] ## One or more fortune files pooled together
NoPossiblePickError* = object of CatchableError ## \
## All possible picks have been filtered out
proc getFilterProc(self: Filter): proc (l: Natural): bool =
## get a proc that returns true for lengths that the filter allows
case self.filterType
of filterLessThan:
(proc (l: Natural): bool = l <= self.threshold)
of filterGreaterThan:
(proc (l: Natural): bool = l > self.threshold)
proc filteredCount*(file: FortuneFile,
filter: Filter = nil): Natural =
## Get count of fortunes in the given ``file`` after the FortunePool's filter
## is applied
if filter == nil :
return file.datFile.stringCount
let filterProc = filter.getFilterProc()
let lengths = toSeq(file.fortuneLengths())
let filtered = sequtils.filter(lengths, filterProc)
proc totalFortunes*(pool: FortunePool, filter: Filter = nil): Natural =
## Total fortunes in this pool
result = 0
for file in pool:
result += file.filteredCount(filter)
proc getFilteredFromFile(file: FortuneFile,
nth: Natural,
filter: Filter = nil): string =
## Get ``nth`` fortune from the ``file`` after applying the FortunePool's
## filter. ``nth`` is 0-indexed.
## For example, ``nth`` = 1 means pick the second fortune in the file that
## passes the filter.
if filter == nil:
return file.getFortune(nth)
filterProc = filter.getFilterProc()
lengths = toSeq(file.fortuneLengths())
# seq of tuples (index, len), where `index` is the index in the unfiltered
# sequence, and len is the length, filtered to only incude the ones that
# pass the filter
filteredLengths = collect(newSeq):
for item in zip(toSeq(countup(0, high(lengths))), lengths):
if filterProc(item[1]): item
result = file.getFortune(filteredLengths[nth][0])
proc pickFromPool*(pool: FortunePool,
filter: Filter = nil): Option[(string, FortuneFile)] =
## Pick a single fortune out of all the fortunes in the pool
## Returns a tuple of the fortune, and the source file, or None if no pick was
## available (such as when filters filter everything out)
let counts = map(pool,
proc (f: FortuneFile): Natural = filteredCount(f, filter) )
let maxNumber = counts.foldl(a + b)
if maxNumber <= 0:
return none((string, FortuneFile))
# fortunes are 0-indexed in individual FortuneFiles, but it's easier to skip
# files in the pool if we use 1-indexing. We just have to remember to subtract
# 1 when actually fetching the fortune.
var picked = rand(Natural(1)..maxNumber)
for (file, count) in zip(pool, counts):
if picked <= count:
return some((file.getFilteredFromFile(picked-1, filter), file))
picked -= count
proc pickPool(pools: seq[FortunePool]): FortunePool =
## Pick a random fortune pool from ``pools``
proc pickPool(pools: seq[FortunePool],
percentages: seq[float]): FortunePool =
## Pick a random fortune pool from ``pools``, weighed with ``percentages``
## ``percentages`` should be the same length as ``pools``.
let cdf = percentages.cumsummed()
random.sample(pools, cdf)
proc pickFromPools*(pools: seq[FortunePool],
filter: Filter = nil): Option[(string, FortuneFile)] =
## Pick a pool, and then pick a fortune from that pool
## Returns a tuple of the fortune and the file it came from, or none, if none
## were available.
let pool = pickPool(pools)
proc pickFromPools*(pools: seq[FortunePool],
percentages: seq[float],
filter: Filter = nil): Option[(string, FortuneFile)] =
## Pick a pool, and then pick a fortune from that pool. Pool pick is weighed
## by ``percentages``
## Returns a tuple of the fortune and the file it came from, or none, if none
## were available.
let pool = pickPool(pools, percentages)
AddMode* = enum
## Mode to use when loading fortune files
amDatOnly, ## Only load files if there is a corresponding .dat file
amNoDat, ## Ignore any existing .dat files when loading fortune files
amBoth ## Use .dat files if present
proc fortuneFileFromPath(path: string,
mode: AddMode,
delim: char = DefaultDelim): FortuneFile =
## Return a new FortuneFile from the given ``path``, either using or not using
## a .dat file, depending on ``mode``
let datFilePath = changeFileExt(path, "dat")
case mode
of amNoDat:
return newFortuneFile(path, delim)
of amDatOnly:
if existsFile(datFilePath):
return newFortuneFile(path, datFilePath)
return nil
of amBoth:
if existsFile(datFilePath):
return newFortuneFile(path, datFilePath)
return newFortuneFile(path, delim)
proc poolFromPath*(path: string,
mode: AddMode,
delim: char = DefaultDelim): FortunePool =
## Create a new pool from file or directory at ``path``
## ``mode`` can be set to ``amDatOnly`` to only include fortune files with
## corresponding dat files, ``amNoDat`` to ignore dat files entirely, or to
## ``amBoth`` to use dat files optionally, if present.
## ``delim`` can be used to specify the delimiter when not using dat files. If
## a dat file is used, ``delim`` is ignored.
## Files which do not meet the filter requirements will be skipped, so the
## pool can potentially be empty. Raises IOError if the path is not valid.
if existsFile(path):
let fortuneFile = fortuneFileFromPath(path, mode, delim)
if fortuneFile != nil:
return @[fortuneFile]
return @[]
if existsDir(path):
if mode == amDatOnly:
# iterate through dat files and then find the corresponding fortune files
for file in walkDirRec(path):
if splitFile(file).ext != ".dat":
let fortuneFilePath = file.changeFileExt("")
if existsFile(fortuneFilePath):
result.add(newFortuneFile(fortuneFilePath, file))
# iterate through fortune files, and (optionally) find the corresponding
# dat file
for file in walkDirRec(path):
if splitFile(file).ext == ".dat":
let fortuneFile = fortuneFileFromPath(file, mode, delim)
if fortuneFile != nil:
return result
# fall through if path is neither a dir nor a file
raise newException(IOError, "invalid path")