
203 lines
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## Module for handling fortune files
## This module handles fortune files, ie the files which contain a number of
## quotes, separated with delimiters.
import options
import streams
import strformat
import sequtils
import re
import datfile
FortuneFile* = ref object
## A fortune file
## Files can either be loaded with a related.dat file containing indices
## of quotes in the fortune file, or without a .dat file.
## When loaded with a .dat file, the metadata is loaded from the .dat file,
## and loading of the actual fortune file is deferred until it is needed
## (such as when a fortune is requested).
## When loaded without a .dat file, the metadata is generated when needed by
## loading the fortune file into memory and generating metadata from it. The
## fortune file remains cached in memory for further use.
path: string ## Path to the fortune file
cRawText: Option[string] ## cached contents of the file
cDatFile: DatFile ## cached datfile, either loaded or generated
delimiter: char ## delimiter used to separate quotes
FortuneIndexError* = ref object of IndexDefect
## Raised on attempts to read a fortune past the end of file. Can happen
## with dat file out of sync.
path*: string ## Path to file we were trying to read
proc newFortuneIndexError(file: FortuneFile,
message: string,
parentException: ref Exception = nil):
FortuneIndexError =
FortuneIndexError(msg: message, parent: parentException, path: file.path)
proc path*(f: FortuneFile): string = f.path
proc `$`*(f: FortuneFile): string = &"""FortuneFile(path: "{f.path}")"""
proc newFortuneFile*(fortunePath: string,
delimiter: char = DefaultDelim): FortuneFile =
## Create a ``FortuneFile`` object from a fortune file.
## A delimiter can optionally be supplied, otherwise the default is used.
result = FortuneFile(
path: fortunePath,
cRawText: none(string),
cDatFile: nil,
delimiter: delimiter
proc newFortuneFile*(fortunePath: string,
datfilePath: string): FortuneFile =
## Create a ``FortuneFile`` object from a fortune file and its corresponding
## dat file
let datfileStream = openFileStream(datfilePath)
defer: datfileStream.close()
let cDatFile = datfile.deserialize(datfileStream)
result = FortuneFile(
path: fortunePath,
cRawText: none(string),
cDatFile: cDatFile,
delimiter: cDatFile.delimiter
proc getContents(self: FortuneFile): string =
## Return entire contents of this fortune file
let inputFile = openFileStream(self.path)
defer: inputFile.close()
result = inputFile.readAll()
proc rawText*(self: FortuneFile): string =
if self.cRawText.isSome:
return self.cRawText.get()
result = self.getContents()
self.cRawText = some(result)
proc datFile*(self: FortuneFile): DatFile =
## Get the ``DatFile`` corresponding to this ``FortuneFile``
## If not loaded from an actual dat file, the ``DatFile`` will be generated
## dynamically on first call.
if self.cDatFile != nil:
return self.cDatFile
let inputString = newStringStream(self.rawText)
result = datfile.generateFromFile(inputString, self.delimiter)
self.cDatFile = result
proc chompFortune(fortune: string;
delim: char = DefaultDelim): string {.inline.} =
## chomp any trailing delimiters present in the ``fortune`` string
var toChomp = 0
if fortune[^2..^1] == &"{delim}\n":
toChomp += 2
elif fortune[^1] == '\n':
toChomp += 1
proc getFortune*(self: FortuneFile; startOffset, endOffset: int32): string =
## Get the fortune between ``startOffset`` and ``endOffset`` in the fortune
## file.
## This proc will strip any trailing delimiters included in the requested
## range
# we assume that we don't want to cache the whole fortune file, because we're
# likely just exiting after printing this
if self.cRawText.isSome():
result = chompFortune(self.cRawText.get()[startOffset..endOffset],
except IndexDefect as parentExc:
raise self.newFortuneIndexError("fortune file index out of range",
let inputFile = openFileStream(self.path)
defer: inputFile.close()
# if we setPosition anywhere past the end, atEnd will be true
if inputFile.atEnd():
raise self.newFortuneIndexError("start index past the end of file")
wantedLen = endOffset - startOffset + 1
unchomped = inputFile.readStr(wantedLen)
if len(unchomped) < wantedLen:
raise self.newFortuneIndexError("got a fortune that is shorter than expected")
result = chompFortune(unchomped, self.delimiter)
proc getFortune*(self: FortuneFile, nth: Natural): string =
## Get ``nth`` fortune in this fortune file, counting up from 0
## If ``nth`` is over the number of fortunes, ``IndexError`` will be raised
let datFile = self.datFile()
if nth > high(datFile.offsets) - 1: # no fortune starts at the last one
raise newException(IndexDefect, "fortune index out of bound")
# the next offset points to the first byte of the next string, so we subtract 1
self.getFortune(datFile.offsets[nth], datFile.offsets[nth+1]-1)
proc getFortuneLength*(self: FortuneFile, nth: Natural): Natural =
## Get the size of ``nth`` fortune in bytes
## As this is calculated from offsets, it potentially includes the trailing
## delimiter, and so can be more bytes than after chomping.
let datFile = self.datFile()
datFile.offsets[nth+1] - datFile.offsets[nth]
iterator fortuneLengths*(self: FortuneFile): Natural {.closure.} =
## Iterate through all the fortunes in this file, getting their lengths
let datFile = self.datFile()
for i in 0..<datFile.stringCount:
yield datFile.offsets[i+1] - datFile.offsets[i]
iterator fortunes*(self: FortuneFile): string {.closure.} =
## Iterate over all the fortunes in the file, in file order
rawTextString = self.rawText
for (l, r) in zip(self.datFile.offsets, self.datFile.offsets[1..^1]):
# the last index is past the end of file
yield chompFortune(rawTextString[l..r-1], self.delimiter)
iterator filteredFortunes*(self: FortuneFile,
pattern: Regex): string {.closure.} =
## return all fortunes which match the ``pattern`` regex
for fortune in self.fortunes():
if contains(fortune, pattern):
yield fortune