
131 lines
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## Tests for the fortunefile module
import unittest
import sequtils
import re
import sets
import nfortunepkg/fortunefile
suite "processing fortune files without dat files":
let loadedFile = newFortuneFile("tests/samples/sample")
test "load file contents":
const desiredSampleString = staticRead("samples/sample")
loadedFile.rawText == desiredSampleString
# try twice, the second time it should come from cache
loadedFile.rawText == desiredSampleString
test "dynamically generate datfile":
let outputDatFile = loadedFile.datFile
outputDatFile.version == 2
outputDatFile.stringCount == 4
outputDatFile.shortestLength == 9
outputDatFile.longestLength == 67
outputDatFile.randomized == false
outputDatFile.ordered == false
outputDatFile.rot == false
outputDatFile.delimiter == '%'
# recheck that cache works
outputDatFile == loadedFile.datFile
test "iterate over fortunes":
desiredList: array[4, string] = [
"Hello, world!\n",
"Second quote.\n",
"Third quote!\n\nAnd what a twist, this one has multiple lines, even!\n",
"Last one\n"
let gotList = toSeq( loadedFile.fortunes() )
for (got, desired) in zip(gotList, desiredList):
check( got == desired )
check( gotList.len() == 4)
test "get a fortune":
"Second quote.\n" == loadedFile.getFortune(1)
test "try to index a fortune out of bounds":
expect IndexDefect:
discard loadedFile.getFortune(6)
test "get filtered fortunes":
const desiredSet = toHashSet([
"Second quote.\n",
"Third quote!\n\nAnd what a twist, this one has multiple lines, even!\n"])
let gotSet = toHashSet(toSeq(loadedFile.filteredFortunes(re"quote[!.]")))
check( desiredSet == gotSet )
# would be cool to parametrize this somehow to eliminate duplicate code
suite "processing fortune files without dat files":
let loadedFile = newFortuneFile("tests/samples/sample",
test "load dat file":
let outputDatFile = loadedFile.datFile
outputDatFile.version == 2
outputDatFile.stringCount == 4
outputDatFile.shortestLength == 9
outputDatFile.longestLength == 67
outputDatFile.randomized == false
outputDatFile.ordered == false
outputDatFile.rot == false
outputDatFile.delimiter == '%'
test "get filtered fortunes":
const desiredSet = toHashSet([
"Second quote.\n",
"Third quote!\n\nAnd what a twist, this one has multiple lines, even!\n"])
let gotSet = toHashSet(toSeq(loadedFile.filteredFortunes(re"quote[!.]")))
check( desiredSet == gotSet )
test "get a fortune":
"Second quote.\n" == loadedFile.getFortune(1)
test "get the length of a fortune":
# note: the sizes include trailing delims!
loadedFile.getFortuneLength(0) == 16
loadedFile.getFortuneLength(1) == 16
loadedFile.getFortuneLength(2) == 69
loadedFile.getFortuneLength(3) == 11
let seqFromIter = toSeq(loadedFile.fortuneLengths())
check( seqFromIter == @[Natural(16), 16, 69, 11] )
suite "processing fortune files with nonstandard delimiter":
test "without dat file":
let loadedFile = newFortuneFile("tests/samples/exoticdelim", '=')
check ( loadedFile.getFortune(2) == "This is the third string.\n" )
test "with dat file":
let loadedFile = newFortuneFile("tests/samples/exoticdelim",
check ( loadedFile.getFortune(2) == "This is the third string.\n" )